Monday, June 6, 2011

Dem Senators Tell Biden to Reject GOP Medicare Plan

Five Democratic senators are calling on Vice President Joe Biden to reaffirm his commitment to leaving Medicare unchanged during budget and deficit negotiations.

Saftey Oorah!

5 American Soldiers Killed in Iraq Rocket Attack.

At the height of the surge of U.S. forces four years ago to combat sectarian violence that nearly tore Iraq apart, there were about 170,000 American troops in the country. The number then was gradually drawn down to below 50,000 when Washington announced it had ended its combat operations ten months ago.


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How debt ceiling issue will hit ordinary americans in wallet

The ongoing debate surrounding America's looming debt ceiling is big news inside the Beltway and in the press, but for many of us, even the phrase "debt ceiling" sounds too far removed from daily life to be of much interest. But ignoring this latest political battle would be a mistake: How the government handles the nation's debt limit will directly affect our personal finances in all sorts of important ways.