Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The latest revision of House Resolution 1, the House of Representatives’ budget-cutting bill for the 2011 fiscal year, removes all federal funding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The CPB is the federal corporation that distributes funds to public broadcasting systems like PBS and NPR.
The resolution is aimed at trimming the entire federal budget and, in February, the resolution was passed in House and is now in the hands of the Senate.

PBS had this to say about the legislation:
The elimination of funding for public broadcasting approved by the House of Representatives threatens millions of citizens throughout America with the loss of services that they rely on, especially parents and children. PBS’ nearly 360 member stations will be severely impacted… PBS and independently owned and operated public television stations are America’s largest classroom, available to all of America’s children. PBS’ educational programming… prepare[s] children for success in school and opens up the world to them in an age-appropriate way and builds critical skills in young students. Costing about one dollar per person per year, public broadcasting is an effective, efficient use of leveraged tax dollars – a public-private partnership that delivers far-reaching services that Americans trust and value.”

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